What are the fire hazards and fire-fighting measures of cold storage?


In recent years, we can often see on the news that many cold storage fires have occurred, and there are also tragedies such as casualties. Generally, the cold storage where a fire occurs is stored with food, fruits, and vegetables. After a fire, many people will ask why Fires will occur, whether there are any hidden fire hazards, and whether there are preventive measures. Today, I will tell you about the hidden dangers of cold storage fires and preventive measures.

一、Fire hazards in cold storage

1. The cold storage design is not standardized

  In the current cold storage construction, a large amount of liquid ammonia is used as a refrigerant (Europe, the United States and other countries currently also use ammonia as a refrigerant in 80%-90%). Ammonia is a flammable, explosive and toxic medium. If the cold storage is not designed in accordance with the requirements of building fire resistance and safe evacuation, hidden dangers will be buried at the source. In addition, there are many flammable materials used in cold storage, so there are many unsafe factors.

2. The equipment is aging and the safety management is poor

  Some business owners are weak in safety awareness, only seeking immediate benefits, neglecting safety and precautions, and the safety system only stays in writing and form. Some equipment and building structures are aging and damaged, but rectification measures are not in place. Leaders and employees fail to fulfill their responsibilities for safe work, and fail to discover and solve problems in time, leading to hidden dangers ranging from small to large, from small to large. Once a fire occurs, the consequences will be disastrous.

3. Insufficient fire-fighting equipment

  At present, the fire protection equipment of some cold storage is insufficient, especially some small refrigeration enterprises. They do not pay enough attention to fire safety during the construction and specific operations of the cold storage. control.


 二 Fire protection measures for cold storage


  The safety and fire protection design of cold storage is an important part of the design of cold storage, and the fire protection policy of “prevention first and consumption as supplement” should be implemented.

1、According to the degree of fire hazard in the production and use of the cold storage building, adopt the building structure of the corresponding fire resistance level and set up the necessary fire partitions to create favorable conditions for the rapid and safe evacuation of personnel and materials in the event of a fire.

2、 Equipped with an appropriate amount of indoor and outdoor fire hydrants and other fire extinguishing equipment, as well as safety protection devices such as lightning protection, anti-static, and automatic warning lights.

3、Strengthen supervision, implement the safety responsibility system, strictly implement relevant norms, standards, and policies, strengthen daily supervision, block the hidden dangers of cold storage fires from the source, implement preventive measures in practice, and prevent problems before they occur.


  Shandong Runte Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional refrigeration equipment manufacturer and service provider. Our company’s warehouse boards all adopt B1 fire protection rating to ensure the safe use of cold storage. Professional engineers have configured the cold storage electrical system to ensure the stable operation of the refrigeration system.

Post time: Nov-24-2021