How to solve the problem of excessive power consumption of the freezer?

First, food storage has a sequence: refrigerated state of the freezer into the frozen state, you should first take out the frozen food to avoid freezing, from the frozen state into the frozen state, you can first set the thermostat to refrigerated 4-7 degrees, and then remove the frozen food, the internal balance of the freezer for about 1 hour will be the inner wall dry again.

Put into the need to refrigerate frozen food.

Second, the temperature should be adjusted: freezing temperature outside the cabinet is higher than 25 ° C, it is recommended to use 3-7 degrees; lower than 25 ° C, it is recommended to use 2-3 degrees.

Third, placed with care: the temperature around the freezer every increase of 4 ℃, its internal power consumption will increase by 20%: freezer placed in a way, smooth, ventilated, avoiding light, far from the heat source, not only the life of the freezer! Long, can also save you more electricity!

Fourth, open the door angle should not be too large: open the freezer door should not be too large, or loss of cold air, power consumption has increased. If the number of times a day to open the door from 8 times to 5 times, a year can save 10-14 ℃ open time from 50 seconds down to 30 seconds, and can save more than 15C.

Fifth, food freshness: because some food is not suitable for storage at too low a temperature, and freezer temperature is too low, it will increase the power consumption of the freezer. Six, defrost layer thickness: part of the freezer without frost function, in the freezer frost layer up to 5 mm 1 thick, it should be timely defrost, such as not timely defrost will also be very power-consuming, so it is important to timely defrost frost is a poor conductor of heat, covering the surface of the evaporator, the evaporator becomes the evaporator and the box of food between the insulation layer, affecting the evaporator and the box of food heat exchange between the box, so that the box temperature can not come down to lower the refrigerating performance, increase power consumption, and the refrigerated cabinet. Refrigeration performance, increase power consumption, and even make the compressor run for a long time and heat, burned out!

Post time: Jul-18-2024